10 December 2015

Which is More Important: Chemistry or Compatibility?

We’ve all been there. You’re at a party or event and you meet someone who you immediately feel attracted to. The conversation flows, you feel your heart rate quicken, and you find yourself smiling uncontrollably. You’re experiencing chemistry with someone and it feels amazing.

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14 November 2015

3 Rules for a First Date

If you’re getting ready for a first date, you know the anxiety that comes from wanting to put your best foot forward and make a good impression. However, it’s important to keep a clear head and not focus too much on perfection. Before stepping out the door for the evening, here are three rules to keep in mind:

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14 October 2015

How to Write Your No-No List

If you’ve already discovered the No-No List, then you likely understand the importance of identifying character and personality differences in a potential partner early in a relationship. This awareness of trigger points that are not conducive to a long-term, healthy relationship can save you from wasting both time and emotion on the wrong person.

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