Relationship Tools

Venus offers multiple ways to help you approach dating in a new way in order to achieve healthy, long lasting, loving relationships.

Check out some of her tools below.


Take the Quiz

See how your approach to dating measures up and find out what areas could be improved by taking The No-No List Quiz today. The results will pinpoint what unhealthy patterns may be holding you back, and describe how The No-No List can best be used to help you find a fulfilling relationship.


Buy the Book

Interested in diving deeper into The No-No List to understand the power of dating smart? Venus’s book draws from her expertise in psychology and brain chemistry, plus first-hand accounts of individuals who have turned their dating lives around, to offer a systematic approach for finding the perfect partner.

Watch the Videos

Venus has answered some of your most commonly asked questions about both The No-No List and relationships in general. Check out the videos below to receive Venus’s professional perspective on common relationship challenges.

How to Train Your Brain for Better Dating

How to Stop Attracting the Wrong Guys

How to Find the Right Partner for You

How to Spot No-Nos in a Potential Partner

How to Reignite the Spark in a Relationship

Am I Looking in the Wrong Places for Love?

Check Out These Additional Resources

  • Psychology Today is a wonderful collection of articles written by psychologists and academics that offer thoughts on what makes human relationships tick.
  • Greater Good Science Center offers the latest research into the roots of compassion, altruism, and happiness.
  • PsychCentral is another great online platform with research and insights into a diverse array of mental health conditions.
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