If you’re getting ready for a first date, you know the anxiety that comes from wanting to put your best foot forward and make a good impression. However, it’s important to keep a clear head and not focus too much on perfection. Before stepping out the door for the evening, here are three rules to keep in mind:

  1. Have Your No-No List Memorized. Your No-No List can serve as a type of dating “fire drill” meaning that if you commit it to memory, then you can count on instinct kicking in whenever you are confronted with a red flag. Know your No-Nos in advance so if you recognize one on your date you’ll be less likely to ignore it or rationalize it. Instead you’ll be ready to recognize that the behavior you’ve just seen could be a significant indicator of a bad match.
  2. Don’t Put Up a Facade. If you truly want to find your match, then there is good news. There is definitely someone out there for you. But you will only find them if you are being authentic in the type of person you present to the world. Don’t try to please your date or alter your behavior to fit what you think they want. Putting up a facade is one reason so many people end up with the wrong partner. If you act like someone you are not, you will only attract people who are seeking the kind of person you are not. If you want to find the right person, you have to accept who you are and show it to the world.
  3. Have the Strength to Be Honest. One of the hardest things about living by the No-No List is having the courage to walk away from someone you are attracted to because you know that it will not work. Finding the right person sometimes requires having the courage to admit that the date did not go well and it is in your best interest to remain single, so that you can stay available for the quality relationship you really want.

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